

Dow Jones 道琼斯风险合规 2022-03-20

Nazak Nikakhtar testified at a Senate hearing last year. Nazak Nikakhtar去年在参议院听证会上作证。 图片来源:ALEX EDELMAN/ZUMA PRESS

A senior Commerce Department official overseeing an office that is at the center of President Trump ’s battle with Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies Co. left her post.

美国商务部一名高级官员离职,她的办公室是特朗普总统与中国电信业巨头华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.)斗争的中心。

Nazak Nikakhtar, who led the department’s Bureau of Industry and Security, will return to a more junior position she once held in a different division, a Commerce Department spokesman said last Thursday.

美国商务部发言人上周四说,商务部工业和安全局(Bureau of Industry and Security)局长Nazak Nikakhtar将回到她曾经在另一个部门担任的一个级别较低的职位。

Ms. Nikakhtar, a trade and export-control lawyer, was nominated in April as undersecretary for industry and security. She has led the division in an acting role while awaiting confirmation.Officials within her division have been reviewing applications that U.S. tech companies and others have submitted in an attempt to reopen their supplier pipeline to Huawei.


In May, Commerce Department officials put Huawei and its affiliates on an export blacklist, citing national-security concerns. U.S. officials have warned that Huawei products could be used to spy on or disrupt telecom networks. Huawei officials have denied these claims.


Commerce Department officials later told U.S. suppliers—a group that collectively sold $11 billion worth of technology to Huawei last year—that they could apply for licenses to resume working with the company.


Officials at the agency haven’t approved those license applications, which have become a key bargaining chip in U.S.-China trade negotiations. Mr. Trump has repeatedly said the U.S. won’t do business with Huawei, but hasn’t said whether that means those license applications won’t be approved.


Ms. Nikakhtar also oversaw part of a group of regulations designed to restrict foreign investments in U.S. companies, which stemmed from lawmakers’ efforts last year to protect the country’s economic and national security.


Katy Stech Ferek







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